How to make a sixpack stomach?

What is a six pack abs?Six pack abdominal muscles is a form that resembles the arrangement of six-pack boxes in the abdomen or abdominal. Six pack is considered to look good is having a clear definition or sharpness and symmetry

How to get six pack abs?The process to get six pack abs is actually easier. First, strengthen your abdominal muscles and lose body fat. The concept is simple, but running it is not easy. This process requires dedication, faith, patience and time enough to get six pack abs. But the results will be commensurate with your struggle.In the formation of a six pack program, you need to consider four points:

Discipline diet, meaning eating 5-6x a day, high protein, low carbohydrate and low fat. The goal is to increase metabolism and sharpen our muscle mass.
Patterns that exercise routine, it means training in a week flat menu to all parts of our muscles. For example we want to shape your abdominal muscles but will still need to exercise the legs. In addition, try to always put the big muscles (chest, back, shoulders, legs) new small muscles (arm, abdomen and calf) while training in one session.
Get plenty of rest pattern, meaning that we are damaging the muscle in training sessions and break repair our muscles become bigger and stronger. So the quality and quantity of high breaks will help us achieve our goals.
Supplements a telling pattern, which means that we must choose the type of supplements that will help our program. For example in the program Six Pack, Protein supplements are needed (or could Amino Whey Protein) and fat burners (Ultra Ripped Fast Acting Formula or the Red Zone).

DIETNutrition plays an important role in the program six pack. You can only have one set of stomach muscles strong and great, but if the muscle is covered by a layer of fat, you will not be able to see it. For your meal into 5-6 smaller meals each day to boost metabolism. Stop eating foods that hinder the development of muscular six pack like white rice, pasta, white bread, candy, ice cream, dessert, fast food, hydrogenated oils, sugar and high fructose corn syrup.Eat foods that help to achieve your program goals such as: oatmeal, olive oil, whole wheat bread (whole wheat bread), fruits, vegetables, nuts, egg whites, natural peanut butter, chicken breast, fish, protein, tea green and water.Be realistic, you might not get the ideal body within 1-2 days. Perform a gradual improvement of diet and regular. In a program to get six pack abs, you really want is a pretty healthy food. If you eat too little then the muscles will shrink. While eating too much when it will be covered by a layer of belly fat six pack abs that you will not be visible.Examples of dietaryBreakfast

2 slices whole wheat bread / 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal
Daily Complete Formula 1 point
1 scoop Prostar whey / Cool Iso / Iso Sensa 93
Morning Snack

3 eggs Amino 2000/2002 / Extreme + 
 1 apple / orange / pear + 2 points Ultra Ripped Fast Acting Formula

100 grams chicken breast / fish / beef
50-80 grams of brown rice (position not yet ripe)
100 grams of vegetables
Daily Complete Formula 1 point
Afternoon Snack

2 slices whole wheat bread / 2-3 tablespoons of oatmeal
3 eggs Amino 2000/2002 / Extreme
Before Exercise

Ultra Ripped 2 eggs + 2 Fast Acting Formula Kre-Alkalyn grain / grain Beta 4 K
1 banana
After Exercise

1 scoop Prostar whey / Cool Iso / Iso Sensa 93

100 grams chicken breast / fish / beef
100 grams of vegetables
Ahead of Sleep

3 eggs Amino 2000/2002 / Extreme


The ideal diet is low in fat, low carbohydrate and high protein. Fatty foods are fried, foods that have simple carbohydrates are white rice, white bread, sugar, cakes, ice cream and biscuits, while carbohydrates can be consumed is a complex carbohydrate like brown rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread. Protein foods are chicken, fish, beef, egg whites, tofu tempeh.
Processing of meat may be cooked with boiled, baked, or baked not fried in oil origin, using fat-laden condiments or use sugar. Salt is allowed, but in very small quantities (salt diet is recommended).
Portion of the menu can be customized to your body size.
Time to consume the above menu is not binding, it can be adjusted for the exercise in the morning. The important thing is try to eat 5-6x a day in small portions.
Prostar Whey Protein can be replaced by other protein supplements such as Super Whey Amino 2000 / Super Whey Amino 2002 / Super Whey Amino Extreme.
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To get a sixpack stomach is not easy. Here are some tips on fitness, which may daapt help you to make it easier to get a flat stomach and six pack.A. Master the basic movements. Movement and coordination is needed in doing the exercises for abdominal muscles. So it is important to master the basic movements of belly exercises before adding a variation of this type of exercise performed. For the upper abs, try to master the crunch movement. And to train the lower abdomen, do lying leg raises.2. Train all of your abdominal muscles. Abdominal muscles consist of two parts, upper abdominal muscles and lower abdominal muscles, each of which has its own way and different types of exercise. By training them, then will come the development of good muscle balance.3. Do exercises for lower abdominal muscles first. Although the sequence of exercises do not play an important role in the development of abdominal muscles, but exercise for lower abdominal muscles requires more coordination and concentration.4. Restrict movement of abdominal exercises. Some types of exercise is often more effective if done with full movement in order to increase flexibility and maximize the number of muscle fibers are trained. But in doing exercises for abdominal muscles, the movement should be done by restricting the movement between 30-45 degrees from the horizontal so that the pressure on the abdominal muscles can be felt with the optimal lower back and reduce involvement in the movement.5. Avoid neck from injury. During the exercise movement, keep the head, neck, and shoulders are in a straight position. Or bring your chin to your chest and hold this position during movement. Keep your neck does not move during the exercise motion carried. This position will help avoid neck injury that often occurs. If we put a hand in training behind the head, the head can be pushed forward and the neck will come under pressure should not be. So you should put your hands beside your head or in front of the chest.6. Movement control. Perform movements with good control to avoid the risk of injury and motion errors, and optimize your exercise done.7. Concentration and focus on the movement. To get the best results from exercise, feel the contraction of the muscle received while doing exercises. If lack of concentration and focus, the exercise will be less than optimal. One trick that can be done is to put one hand on your stomach muscles and feel the contractions when trained.8. Use the weight loss as an expense. Sometimes if we use the load, which is placed behind the head or chest, with the aim to increase the pressure on the abdominal muscles, movement exercises become even less perfect that is felt even less pressure on the abdominal muscles, but moved to the waist. Whereas in the abdominal workout, which was maximal contraction during exercise will make your abdominal muscles are better developed. Therefore better to use your own body weight as a burden, and if you want to increase the burden or intensity of exercise, can be done by adjusting the body position and slope during practice, and shorten the rest periods between sets. Can also hold the position when the stomach contractions for a few seconds (1-3 seconds) before returning to the relaxed position and perform the next repetition.9. Breathe correctly. do the breathing properly while exercising. Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale relax while breathing through the mouth when the muscles are contracted (tight).10. Sets and reps. Abdominal muscles are small muscles that require a long recovery time so that it can not be trained every day. 3-6 sets for each of the abdominal muscles up and down is enough to stimulate the abdominal muscles to develop properly. For reps, do as much as possible with controlled movements. When the abs, the quality of motion gives better results than the quantity. If we can do 20 reps in one set and therefore feel the stomach gets hot, then we have been doing the exercises properly.11. Do the variations in practice if it is truly master the basic movements to train the abdominal muscles. By doing a variation of exercises, the muscles will come under pressure from different angles so as to make the development of the abdominal muscles become more leverage.12. Do exercises for the obliques muscles. Obliques are used when performing various exercises with the twist waist. Almost all kinds of exercises for the abdominal muscles can be modified or varied by the twist waist / twist.13. Do exercises for lower back muscles. Basically every muscle has an opponent who also must be trained so that the body gets a good proportion and symmetry. (Example: bicep-tricep; chest-back; hamstring, quads, etc.). opponents of the abdominal muscles are the lower back muscles (lower back). so exercises such as hyperextension (back up) and deadlift should be a part of the training program. In addition to a proportion of body symmetry, muscle opposite, well trained, will reduce the risk of injury. If only one of the muscles are well trained, the greater the risk of injury to the parts that are not trained because of the imbalance of power.4. Arrange food and do cardio exercises. A good definition of the abdominal muscles will be difficult to come by if the belly fat. Good condition the abdominal muscles will be more easily obtained by a combination of good food arrangements to avoid the accumulation of new fat, and doing cardio activity to burn fat. So if just doing abdominal exercises alone without support by arranging the food and cardio activity, then the appearance of a good abdominal muscle can be hard to come by.*****Its general someone who wants a six pack stomach due to the appearance. But the actual abdominal muscle is a muscle that plays an important role in sustaining posture terutaman lower body strength and lower back support.Abdominal muscles are the muscles of the body's vital center of the structure of the balance of the body. That is why stomach muscles are often said to be the core muscles, which means the muscle that becomes the focal point of the body. In addition to the abdominal muscles, other muscles are core erectors, hip flexors and pelvic muscles.
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Examples of abdominal exercises movement:Exercises for upper abdominalCrunch with straight armsabdominal exercisesSitupperutlatihan abdominal exercises
Exercise for lower abdominalLying and Incline leg raiseperutlatihan abdominal exercisesHanging Leg raiseabdominal exercises
Muscle exercise for obliquesLying straight leg and bent knee twistperutlatiha abdominal exercisesBroom stick twistabdominal exercisesDumbbell side bentabdominal exercises
Exercises for lower backBarbell deadliftweight trainingBarbell and Dumbbell Stift leg deadlift (usually to train the hamstring muscles / hamstring)traininglatihan thigh weight

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